
Exciting new development: Emily Grosvenor, author of a new children's book on tiling called Tessalation, is starting World Tessellation Day, June 17th Escher's birthday.

I like teaching tessellations at all levels of math, and have done so from 2nd grade up through graduate level math classes. Quasiperiodic tilings (aka Penrose tilings) were even a part of my thesis. While my interests are now more in math education, tilings still hold a deep fascination for me. For younger students it is a deep application of all four Euclidean motions, and for older students the richness provides many opportunities for analysis, problem solving and pattern creation/detection. The following resources are all ones that I have found useful in one way or another. Please don't hesitate to contact me with questions, suggested resources or any mistakes or bad links.

I have a few tessellation posts on this blog and more tessellations on the tumblr. My favorite GeoGebra tessellations I've made: Pythagorean tiling, Escherized Hexagon tiling, and Rotation of base kite tiles.  (More below in GeoGebra/Blogs section.)

There's also a Google doc with Islamic Geometry info and resources: bit.ly/islamictilinggdoc

Islamic patterns:
M. C. Escher:


K-12 lessons:
 In reverse chronological order, mostly. This GeoGebraBook of tessellations collects many of these.
Stranger tessellations

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