MotionIntro: webpage and Geogebra file.
Motion Control: webpage and Geogebra file.
A blog for sharing my math interests on the web, to post new materials for elementary, secondary and teacher ed, and vent mathematical steam when needed. Thanks for visiting!
Unitizing requires that children use number to count not only objects, but alsoAs we look at state content expectations, it's pretty clear they are focusing on skills. Fosnot and Dolk (in Math in the City, their books on Young Mathematicians at Work, and their curriculum Contexts for Learning) have a nice way of organizing content into skills, ideas, and models, and then representing them on a landscape. The preservice teachers took their information and tried to do the same for money. Here's what they got: (as a pdf)
groups—and to do them both simultaneously. The whole is thus seen as a group of a
number of objects. The parts together become the new whole, and the parts (the objects in
the group) and the whole (the group) can be considered simultaneously. For learners,
unitizing is a shift in perspective. Children have just learned to count ten objects, one by
one. Unitizing these ten things as one thing—one group, requires almost a negating of the
original idea of number. It is a huge shift in thinking for children, and in fact, was a huge
shift in mathematics, taking centuries to develop. Understanding that a square in a tiled
array can represent a column and a row simultaneously also involves a construction of
part/whole relations (Battista et. al., 1998), as does the relationship between
multiplication and division. There are many more. Because “big ideas” involve
part/whole relations, they require a shift in perspective by learners.