
Math x Art

I'm intentionally trying to focus on math & art activities more this year, so I wanted to start a page on the blog to collect resources and posts and ideas as they develop and that we've done in the past.  There's a lot of input from students, preservice teachers and other teachers here, but I especially have to shout out to Susan Walborn (who got me started on this) and Heather Harrington Minnebo (my current partner in crime). (Note: tessellations have their own page and Islamic Geometry a separate Google doc.)

Suggestions for additions to this page are welcome, encouraged and sought out!

History of Infinity, Becca Wittebols
Her design process

I have gotten to share at Twitter Math Camp, Michigan Council of Teachers of Mathematics and NCTM Regionals on integrating math and art. The most recent, a lesson on infinity tiles with Heather. An older presentation page:, and a newer one, with Heather Minnebo Also K-2 MathArt with Heather at Math in Action 2017.

Historical Artists 
Current Artists & Mathematicians
Thanks to Martin Holtham and Tim Cieploski for lots of great suggestions above.

John's tried
Others' Lessons
More in the resources, just keep scrolling!



Blog Posts (aside from the people linked above)


1 comment:

  1. Do these sorts of things fit:
    Mondrian Puzzle from Mathpickle, Art & Sculpture from the Art of Mathematics series, flexagons, origami, fractals?
